Agent For Mac Os X

Welcome to vRealize Configuration Manager : Managing Mac OS X Machines : Manually Install the Agent on Mac OS X Machines

Install the appropriate version of the VCM Agent on each of your licensed target machines to enable communication between the Collector and the managed Mac OS X machines.

Mac OS X agent VPN client incompatibility The Mac OS X agent uses a SOCKS proxy to intercept traffic from applications running on the Mac. Under Mac OS X, a VPN network adaptor is able to tunnel the traffic and therefore bypass the SOCKS pro Updated 1 week ago. A short guide for installing and configuring Bamboo Remote Agent on Mac OS X. The starting point for an agent is a server, you should either have it configured for you or install yourself. Atlassian documentation is always a good place to start. Next important thing is to have Java installed on remote agent.

Installing the Agent on Mac OS X machines is a manual operation. The Agent is packaged as a Universal Binary Installer. You can run the installation process in silent mode or interactive mode. To run the installation in silent mode, you must edit the configuration options in the csi.config file. The file is edited to accommodate different target machine types.

  • SSH Agent is a graphical front-end to some of the OpenSSH tools included with Mac OS X. Specifically, it allows you to start an ssh-agent, generate identities, and add identities to an agent.
  • OCS MacOSX agent 2.X documentation Installing OCS MacOSX agent 2.X. Note: OCS MacOSX agent 2.3 and newer agent are fully compatible under MacOSX 10.11 El captain and more. For older macos system you will have to user older versions of our agent. We don't support Mac OS versions that are not maintained by Apple.


  • Verify that the machine on which you intend to install the Agent has enough free disk space. Formore information, see the VCM Installation Guide.
  • If you are installing the Agent on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7, Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) 7, or CentOS 7, verify that the net-tools and redhat-lsb-core packages are installed on the target machine.
  • Identify the Agent binary installation package that you will copy from the Collector to the managed machine. See the VCM Installation Guide.
  • If you run an installation in silent mode, modify the appropriate csi.config file variable options. See Installation Options for Max OS X csi.config .
  • If you select (x)inetd/launchd for CSI_AGENT_RUN_OPTION, verify that (x)inetd/launchd is running on the target machines. On some versions, when (x)inetd/launchd services are not configured, (x)inetd/launchd will not stay running. To ensure the Agent installation completes successfully, pass a - stayalive option to (x)inetd/launchd. See Installation Options for Max OS X csi.config .
  • Log in to the target Mac OS X machine as root, or have sudo as root.
  • Select the method that you want to use to copy files to the target machines. You can use ftp, sftp, or cp using an NFS share. If you use ftp to copy the package to your machine, you must use binary mode.
  • If you are collecting non-ASCII information from the target machines, install a UTF-8 locale. To determine the locales installed on your operating system, use the locale -a command.


  1. Copy the appropriate Agent binary installation package from the Collector to the machine on which you will install the Agent.

    The Agent packagesare located on the Collector in Program Files (x86)VMwareVCMInstallerPackages.

  2. On the target machine, run chmod u+x <filename> to set the execute permission for the file owner on the Agent binary file.
  3. In the directory to which you copied the file, run ./CMAgent.<version>.<Agent binary name> to create the necessary directory structure and extract the files.

    To force an overwrite of any existing files, include the -o option.For example: /CMAgent.<version>.Darwin -o.

    The command and output is similar to the following example, but with different file names depending on the operating system.

    # ./CMAgent.<version>.Darwin
    UnZipSFX 5.51 of 22 May 2004, by Info-ZIP (
    creating: CSIInstall/
    inflating: CSIInstall/CMAgent.5.1.0.Darwin.i386
    inflating: CSIInstall/CMAgent.5.1.0.Darwin.ppc
    inflating: CSIInstall/csi.config
    inflating: CSIInstall/InstallCMAgent

  4. Run cd <extractedpath>/CSIInstall to change the directory to the location where the InstallCMAgent executable file was extracted.
  5. Run ls -la to validate that the correct files are in the <extractedpath>/CSIInstall directory.

    InstallCMAgentInstallation script.
    csi.configConfiguration file for the installation. This is the file you can modify to include installation options for silent rather than interactive installation processes.
    packagesInstallation packages.
    scriptsScripts required for the installation.
  6. (Optional) Edit the csi.config file to customize the installation variables and save your changes.

    1. Run the chmod u+x csi.config command to add write file permissions if the file has only read permissions set.
    2. Modify the csi.config file options based on your local requirements and save the file.
    3. Copy the modified and saved csi.config file to the extracted location.

      For example, # cp /<safelocation>/csi.config /<extractedlocation>/CSIInstall/csi.config.

  7. Run InstallCMAgent in either silent mode or interactive mode.


    Silent mode

    Run the # ./CSIInstall/InstallCMAgent -s command.

    Install the Agent using the silent mode if you manually edited the csi.config file, if you modifiedthe csi.config file using the interactive method, or if you are using a custom configuration file thatyou saved from a previous Agent installation. This mode uses the valuesspecified in csi.config without prompting for input.

    When the silent installation finishes, a summary of the installation process and status appears.Verify that the installation finished without errors.

    Interactive mode

    Run the # ./CSIInstall/InstallCMAgent command.

    Install the Agent using the interactive mode if you did not modify the csi.config and to respond to each prompt toaccept or change each parameter in the csi.config file as it runs. As a result of your responses, the csi.config is modified.

    The preinstallation stage of interactive mode checks for a valid user, CSI_USER. If the user exists, you are not prompted for these configuration values.


    You are prompted for these values only when the CSI_USER user account is not found.

    The User and the Group are created in the local directory service storage.

    You can check the installation status in the installation log file. The file is located in <CSI_PARENT_DIRECTORY>/log/install.log.

  8. Run ls –la /CSI_PARENT_DIRECTORY/CMAgent to verify that all the required files and directories were installed.

    /CSI_PARENT_DIRECTORY/CMAgent is the default directory. If you changed the directory name during installation, modify the ls -la command to display the custom directory name.

    drwxr-x--- 3 root cfgsoft 4096 Jul 2 17:34 Agent
    drwxr-x--- 3 root cfgsoft 4096 Jul 2 17:34 CFC
    -rw-rw---- 1 root cfgsoft 49993 Jul 2 17:34 CSIRegistry
    -rw-rw---- 1 root cfgsoft 0 Jul 2 17:34 .CSIRegistry.lck
    drwxrwx--- 3 csi_acct cfgsoft 4096 Jul 2 17:34 data
    drwxrwx--- 3 root cfgsoft 4096 Jul 2 17:34 ECMu
    drwxr-x--- 6 root cfgsoft 4096 Jul 2 17:34 install
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Jul 2 17:34 log -> /var/log/CMAgent/log
    dr-xr-x--x 3 root cfgsoft 4096 Jul 2 17:34 ThirdParty
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 2 17:34 uninstall

  9. Run # netstat -na | grep <port_number> to verify that the Agent is installed correctly, listening on the assigned port, and ready to collect data.

    The default <port_number> is 26542 for VCM installations.


What to do next

Run a collection for Mac OS X data. See Collect Mac OS X Data.

See Also

Manually Uninstalling the Mac OS X Agent

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You are here: Actions > Agent Software > Installing Mac Agents

The Mac Agent can monitor local services on a device that uses an Apple Mac OS X operating system. For more information on versions, refer to Supported Operating Systems for Agents.

To install a Mac Agent on a device discovered by a Probe
Note:Depending on the web browser used, the following procedure may differ slightly.
1. Click All Devices view in the navigation pane.

Agent Ransack Mac Os X

2. Click the Name of the device that you would like to edit.
3. In the Class drop-down menu of the Properties tab, select Workstation – Generic.
4. In the Operating System drop-down menu, select the appropriate Apple Mac OS X operating system.
5. Select Local Agent.
6. Click Save.
7. For the next stage of this process, you will need the Customer/Site ID (also referred to as an Access Code). In the navigation pane, click Administration > Customers/Sites and refer to the Access Code column.
8. In the navigation pane, click Actions > Download Agent/Probe Software.
9. Select Mac OS X Agent in the Download Agent/Probe Software screen.
10. Follow the appropriate instructions in the dialog box that appears and close the dialog box.
11. Navigate to the location where you saved the file.
12. Run the installer by clicking the package file: agent-macosx.tar.gz.
13. Click Continue in the confirmation window that is displayed.
14. Click Continue in the Mac Agent installer window.
15. Select a destination volume to install the software in the Select a Destination screen.
Note:This step is required in order to complete the installation of the Agent.
16. Click Continue.
17. Click Install.
18. If prompted for security credentials, type the appropriate user Name and Password before clicking Install Software.
19. In the Enter Activation Key screen, configure the following:
a. Customer ID - the Customer/Site ID or Access Code obtained at the beginning of this procedure.
b. Server URL - the URL or FQDN of the N-central server (for example,
Note: You can configure multiple addresses for an Agent to communicate with both a primary and backup N-central server. When typing multiple addresses, they must be separated by a comma but with no spaces between the different addresses and the comma.
c. Protocol - select HTTPS.
20. Click Continue.
21. Click Install Software to begin the installation process.
22. Print or save the readme file if required.
23. Click Continue.
24. Click Close.

After the Mac Agent has been installed, it is recommended that you apply the OS X Service Template to the device. For more information, refer to Service Templates.

To manually add a device with a Mac Agent
Note:Depending on the web browser used, the following procedure may differ slightly.
1. For this process, you will need the Customer/Site ID (also referred to as an Access Code). In the navigation pane, click Administration > Customers/Sites and refer to the Access Code column.
2. In the navigation pane, click Views > All Devices.
3. Click Add.
Ocs inventory ng agent for mac os x
4. In the Install an Agent on a Single Workstation or Server section of the Add Devices screen, click Select OS.
5. Select Mac OS X.
6. Follow the appropriate instructions in the dialog box that appears and close the dialog box.
7. Navigate to the location where you saved the file.
8. Run the installer by clicking the package file: agent-macosx.tar.gz.
9. Click Continue in the confirmation window that is displayed.
10. Click Continue in the Mac Agent installer window.
11. Select a destination volume to install the software in the Select a Destination screen.
Note:This step is required in order to complete the installation of the Agent.
Agent For Mac Os X
12. Click Continue.
13. Click Install.
14. If prompted for security credentials, type the appropriate user Name and Password before clicking Install Software.
15. In the Enter Activation Key screen, configure the following:
a. Customer ID - the Customer/Site ID or Access Code obtained at the beginning of this procedure.
b. Server URL - the URL or FQDN of the N-central server (for example,
Note: You can configure multiple addresses for an Agent to communicate with both a primary and backup N-central server. When typing multiple addresses, they must be separated by a comma but with no spaces between the different addresses and the comma.
c. Protocol - select HTTPS.
16. Click Continue.
17. Click Install Software to begin the installation process.
18. Print or save the readme file if required.
19. Click Continue.
20. Click Close.
21. In the navigation pane, click Views > All Devices.
22. Click Add.
23. If discovered assets are available in the Add Devices screen, Click here under the Import Devices heading.
24. In the Discovered Assets screen, select the check box next to the devices you would like to import.
25. Click Import. For more information, refer to Importing Discovered Devices

After the Mac Agent has been installed and the device imported, it is recommended that you apply the OS X Service Template to the device. For more information, refer to Service Templates.

To verify that a Mac Agent is functioning properly
  • At a command prompt, type launchctl list | grep com.n-able.agent.macos10_4ppc and press Enter.

If the Mac Agent is functioning properly, the process identifier (PID) will be displayed. If the Mac Agent is not functioning properly, the hyphen character (-) will be displayed.

Starting and Stopping the Mac Agent

The Mac OS X Agent is started automatically during the system boot process. The operating system will ensure that the Agent is restarted automatically in the event that it crashes or stops functioning. If necessary, the Mac Agent can be started and stopped manually using the launchctl utility.

To start the Mac Agent
1. Open a terminal window using administrator credentials.
2. Type sudo launchctl.

Agent For Mac Os X 10.13

3. Press Enter.
4. When prompted, type your login password.
5. Press Enter.
6. Type load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.n-able.agent-macosx.plist.
7. Press Enter.
8. Press Ctrl-D.
To stop the Mac Agent
1. Open a terminal window using administrator credentials.

Agent For Mac Os X 10.10

2. Type sudo launchctl.
3. Press Enter.
4. When prompted, type your login password.
5. Press Enter.
6. Type unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.n-able.agent-macosx.plist.
7. Press Enter.
8. Press Ctrl-D.
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Agent for mac os x 10.10

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Agent For Mac Os X 10.8